Language Guide The JS++ language guide provides an overview of the JS++ programming language and discusses important concepts of the language. Auto-boxing and UnboxingAuto-boxing and unboxing are the processes whereby the compiler automatically converts primitive data types to their corresponding object wrapper classes and vise versa, respectively. Character EncodingDiscusses the character encoding used by the JS++ compiler. ClosuresClosures are functions that refer to free variables (variables that are used by the function locally but are defined in an enclosing function). Compatibility with JavaScriptInformation on JS++ compatibility with JavaScript, including changes to JavaScript syntax and semantics. Conversions TableThe conversions table lists all conversions available for the built-in types. encodeURI vs encodeURIComponentDescribes the difference between encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, decodeURI, and decodeURIComponent. Escape SequencesEscape sequences are used in character and string literals to represent special characters. Generic ProgrammingDiscusses programming with generics (parametric polymorphism) in JS++. Heredocs (Here Documents)Here documents are used for interpreting a block of text literally without the need to manually escape, concatenate, etc. This document describes how to achieve heredocs in JS++. Library Instantiation ConvenienceFor libraries defined as a module having a class with the same name, a convenience is provided to avoid users specifying the module and class name twice during instantiation. Main FileUnlike other object-oriented programming languages, JS++ does not have a "main method" per se. This article discusses how the JS++ compiler infers the main file, the application entry point. Module ResolutionDescribes how the JS++ compiler finds and locates modules. Naming ConventionsNaming conventions define best practices for naming variables, functions, classes, modules, and so forth. Operator PrecedenceThe operator precedence defines the order of operations in which expressions are evaluated. OverloadingFunction/method overloading involves declaring multiple functions or methods with the same name but having different implementations. ScopingDiscusses the scoping rules for the JS++ programming language. Using JSONP in JS++How to use JSONP (JSON with padding) within JS++ to request data from a different domain or subdomain. Share HTML | BBCode | Direct Link