Change Summary Represents an individual change. Description Represents an individual change. Examples Basic Usage 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728import Altitude.Frontend; class LoginModel : Model{ public void validateEmail(string email) { bool result = isEmail(email); this.updateOnly([ new Change("validate-email", result) ]); }} class LoginView : View{ public override void updateOnly(Change[] changes) { var $email = $(".login input[type=email]"); foreach(Change change in changes) { if (change.key == "validate-email") { bool isValidEmail = (System.Boolean) change.value; if (isValidEmail) { $email.removeClass("invalid"); } else { $email.addClass("invalid"); } } } }} Methods Change (Constructor)Constructs an object representing an individual change. keyGets the unique key for identifying the change type. valueGets the value associated with a unique key for identifying the change type. Share HTML | BBCode | Direct Link