
An expression is a unit of code that evaluates to a value.

  • Arithmetic Operators

    A collection of operators enabling basic arithmetic such as addition and subtraction.

  • Array Literal

    Creates an array (ordered lists of elements) and, optionally, populates it with elements.

  • Assignment Operators

    Assignment operators enable modification of variables.

  • Bitwise Operators

    Bitwise operations operate on the individual bits of numbers in their binary formats.

  • Character Literal

    Creates a character value.

  • Comma Operator

    Evaluates a series of expressions and returns the value of the last evaluated expression.

  • Comparison Operators

    Comparison operators are used for comparing the values of two expressions.

  • Concatenation Operator (+)

    Joins two strings.

  • Conditional (Ternary) Operator

    Evaluates expressions conditionally.

  • Decrement (--)

    Decreases the value of a variable by one (1).

  • delete

    Removes a property or method from a JavaScript object.

  • false

    Boolean value for false.

  • Function Call Expression

    Calls a function with the specified arguments.

  • Function Expression

    Defines a function inside an expression.

  • Grouping Expression

    Overrides precedence of operations.

  • in

    Checks if an object/container has a property or if an index is in an array.

  • Increment (++)

    Increases the value of a variable by one (1).

  • instanceof

    For internal types, instanceof determines if an object is compatible with a specified type or one of its ancestors. For external types, instanceof determines if one object is in the prototype chain of another.

  • Key-Value Container Literal

    Creates a dictionary, map ("associative array"), or external JavaScript object and optionally populates it with key-value pairs.

  • Logical Operators

    The logical operators are the logical && (AND) operator, the logical || (OR) operator, and the logical ! (NOT) operator. They are often used in conditionals such as if statements to combine and negate conditions.

  • new

    Instantiates a class.

  • null

    A value intentionally indicating no value for the data.

  • Numeric Literals and Suffixes

    Creates a numeric value.

  • Object Literal

    Initialize a JavaScript object using object literal notation, and, optionally, the properties of the object may be specified at creation.

  • Regular Expression Literal

    Creates a regular expression value.

  • Safe Default (??) Operator

    Evalutes the left-hand side. If the result is not null or undefined, it is returned. Otherwise, the evaluated value of the right-hand side is returned.

  • Safe Navigation (?.) Operator

    Gets the class member if the object (left-hand side) is not null.

  • Set Literal

    Creates a set or unordered set and, optionally, populates it with values.

  • String Literal

    A sequence of characters, enclosed in quotes, for representing textual data.

  • super

    'super' refers to the base class instance. The 'super' keyword can also be used to invoke a class constructor or access non-static members of a base class.

  • this

    In JS++, 'this' refers to the current instance of a class. The 'this' keyword can also be used to invoke a class constructor or access instance members of a class. For JavaScript code, the 'this' keyword has varying semantics depending on the context in which it is used.

  • true

    Boolean value for true.

  • Type Cast Operator

    Cast an expression to a specific type.

  • typeid

    Returns the type of an expression at runtime.

  • typeof

    Returns the type of an expression at runtime. This operator is deprecated. Use typeid instead.

  • Unary Negation (-)

    Converts an expression to an int and negates its integer value.

  • Unary Plus (+)

    Converts an expression to an int.

  • undefined

    The value returned by JS++ for out-of-bounds accesses for internal types, and the value returned when no value has been assigned for external types.


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