Assignment Operators Assignment operators enable modification of variables. Assignment ExpressionAssign a value to a variable. Bitwise AND Assignment (&=) ExpressionApply a logical AND to the value of a variable. Bitwise Left Shift Assignment (<<=) ExpressionShift bits to the left by the specified amount and assign the value back to a variable. Bitwise OR Assignment (|=) ExpressionApply logical inclusive OR to the value of a variable. Bitwise Right Shift Assignment (>>=) ExpressionPerform a sign-propagating right shift by the specified amount and assign the value back to a variable. Bitwise Unsigned Right Shift Assignment (>>>=) ExpressionPerform a zero-fill right shift by the specified amount and assign the value back to a variable. Bitwise XOR Assignment (^=) ExpressionApply logical exclusive OR to the value of a variable. Concatenation Assignment (+=) ExpressionAppends a string value to an existing variable, property, or array element. Decremental Assignment (-=) ExpressionDecrement the value of a variable. Division Assignment (/=) ExpressionDivide the value of a variable. Incremental Assignment (+=) ExpressionIncrement the value of a variable. Modulus Assignment (%=) ExpressionAssigns the remainder of a division operation to a variable. Multiplicative Assignment (*=) ExpressionMultiply the value of a variable. Safe Assignment (?=) ExpressionAssigns the first non-null, non-undefined value to a variable. Share HTML | BBCode | Direct Link