Character Summary The wrapper class for the char primitive type. Description The System.Character class represents a single 16-bit Unicode character ranging from U+0000 to U+FFFF. The System.Character class is the wrapper class for the char primitive type. All character literals are implemented as instances of the System.Character class. Examples Instantiation 123import System; System.Character a = new System.Character(`a`); Auto-boxing 123import System; System.Character a = `a`; Primitives Only 1char a = `a`; Methods Character (Constructor)Constructs a System.Character object. compareCompares the Character object to another Character object. isAlphaChecks if the character is an alphabetic character. isAlphaNumericChecks if the character is an alphanumeric character. isLowerCaseChecks if the character represents a lowercase character. isNumericChecks if the character is a numeric digit. isUpperCaseChecks if the character represents an uppercase character. isURICharacterChecks if the character is a valid URI character. isWhitespaceChecks if the character is a whitespace character. repeatRepeats the character a specified number of times. toBaseReturns a string representation of the character value using the specified base. toBinaryReturns the binary (base 2) value of the character. toDecimalReturns the decimal (base 10) value of the character. toExternalConverts the character value to its equivalent external value. toHexReturns the hexadecimal (base 16) value of the character. toLowerCaseConverts the character to lowercase. toStringReturns a string representation of the character. toUInteger16Returns the 16-bit unsigned integer value for the character. toUnicodeReturns the 16-bit Unicode value as a string. toUpperCaseConverts the character to uppercase. valueOfReturns the primitive character value wrapped by the System.Character object. Share HTML | BBCode | Direct Link