Integer8 Summary The wrapper class for the signed byte primitive type. Description The System.Integer8 class represents 8-bit signed integers. The System.Integer8 class is the wrapper class for the signed byte primitive type. The range for 8-bit signed integers is [ -128, 127 ] (inclusive). Examples Instantiation 123import System; System.Integer8 x = new System.Integer8(100); Auto-boxing 123import System; System.Integer8 x = 100; Primitives Only 12signed byte x = 1;signed byte y = 2; Methods compareCompares the Integer8 object to another Integer8 object. fromStringConverts a string to an signed byte value. fromStringOrConverts a string to its equivalent signed byte value or the provided default value if the conversion fails. fromStringOrThrowConverts a string to a valid signed byte value or throws an exception if the value cannot be converted. Integer8 (Constructor)Constructs a System.Integer8 object. isEvenChecks if the number is an even number. isOddChecks if the number is an odd number. MAX_VALUERepresents the maximum value for the signed byte type. MIN_VALUERepresents the minimum value for the signed byte type. toBaseReturns a string representation of the integer value using the specified base. toBinaryReturns the binary (base 2) value of the integer. toDecimalReturns the decimal (base 10) value of the integer. toExponentialFormats the integer value using exponential notation. toExternalConverts the signed byte value to its equivalent external value. toFixedFormats the integer value using fixed-point notation. toHexReturns the hexadecimal (base 16) value of the integer. toPrecisionFormats the integer value as a string to the given precision. toStringConverts the signed byte value to an equivalent string value. valueOfReturns the primitive signed byte value wrapped by the System.Integer8 object. Share HTML | BBCode | Direct Link