toExternal Summary Constructs a new external object with each key-value pair of the internal Dictionary<T> converted to external (via toExternal calls on each value of the key-value pairs). If an element does not implement the System.IExportable interface, a `System. Usage public override external toExternal() Returns A new external object with each element converted to external. Description Constructs a new external object with each key-value pair of the internal Dictionary<T> converted to external (via toExternal calls on each value of the key-value pairs). If an element does not implement the System.IExportable interface, a System.Exceptions.ConversionException will be thrown. Examples Basic Usage 12345678910111213import System; class Foo<T> : IExportable{ public override function toExternal() { return "foo"; }} auto dict = new Dictionary<Foo<string>>();dict["bar"] = new Foo<string>(); Console.log(dict.toExternal()); // {"bar":"foo"} Share HTML | BBCode | Direct Link