fromString Summary Converts a string to a double value. Usage public static double fromString(string numberAsStr) Returns The double equivalent of the string value or NaN (0) if the string is not a numeric value. Parameters numberAsStr The string value to convert. Description Converts a string to a double value. import System; double x = Double.fromString("100"); Console.log(x); // 100 If the string being converted is not a valid numeric value, NaN (not a number, System.Double.NaN) is returned. import System; double x = Double.fromString("abc"); Console.log(x); // NaN Additionally, scientific notation, hexadecimal notation, octal numbers, +Infinity (positive infinity), and -Infinity (negative infinity) values are allowed for string values. import System; double hex = Double.fromString("0xFF"); Console.log(hex); // 255 If the string value being converted is outside the range of the double data type (-1.79769313486232e308 to 1.79769313486232e308), Infinity will be returned for positive numbers and -Infinity will be returned for negative numbers. Examples Basic Usage 1234import System; double x = Double.fromString("100");Console.log(x); // 100 Share HTML | BBCode | Direct Link