fromStringOrThrow Summary Converts a string to a valid short value or throws an exception if the value cannot be converted. Usage public static short fromStringOrThrow(string numberAsStr) Returns The short equivalent of the string value if the string is a valid short value and does not overflow (the string value fits within the short data range). Parameters numberAsStr The string value to convert. Description Converts a string to a valid short value or throws an exception if the value cannot be converted. If the string value is not numeric, System.Exceptions.InvalidNumberException will be thrown. If the string value is outside the range of valid values for the short data type, System.Exceptions.IntegerOutOfRangeException is thrown. For string values that are not numeric, System.Exceptions.InvalidNumberException is thrown: import System; import System.Exceptions; try { short x = Integer16.fromStringOrThrow("100"); } catch(InvalidNumberException e) { // Will not execute because the string value is numeric Console.error(e); } try { short y = Integer16.fromStringOrThrow("abc"); } catch(InvalidNumberException e) { Console.error(e); } If the string being converted is numeric but does not fit into the short data range [ -32768, 32767 ] (inclusive), System.Exceptions.IntegerOutOfRangeException will be thrown. import System; import System.Exceptions; try { short exceedByOne = Integer16.fromStringOrThrow("32768"); } catch(IntegerOutOfRangeException e) { Console.error(e); } Examples Valid Conversion (No exception) 12345import System;import System.Exceptions; short valid = Integer16.fromStringOrThrow("123");Console.log(valid); // 123 Invalid Conversion (Not numeric) 12345678import System; try { short invalid = Integer16.fromStringOrThrow("abc");}catch(InvalidNumberException e) { Console.error(e);} Invalid Conversion (Out of range) 123456789import System;import System.Exceptions; try { short exceedByOne = Integer16.fromStringOrThrow("2147483648");}catch(IntegerOutOfRangeException e) { Console.error(e);} Share HTML | BBCode | Direct Link